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Fotis Rovolis - The Art of Being Queer

Tonight's queer artist feature is Fotis Rovolis

Fotis Rovolis

Fotis Rovolis a multi-disciplinary queer artist who has studied architecture and electroacoustic composition and likes to do stuff with space, image, body and sound. Their body contains infinite ID slots, thus during each work process they discover and develop different alias/characters, resulting to an eventual overflow of identities. All of their existences deal with everydaylife role-performing repetitions, imaginary utopias, transpecies, border noise and glitter porn. Currently they attend a master in Music for new Media, produce collages for Yusra Magazine and try to figure out how to obtain an exosense. Their most prominent ID-slot is taken by Zirlar Mord Ω', a saturnian researcher who is investigating humans by being integrated in earth through this body.

Fotis Rovolis

The Art of Being Queer


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