Check out the amazing new single "Digital Romance" by GESS
LGBTQ people from around the world come together for some much needed romance during quarantine.

Directed by @javichondo
GESS @gess.wav
Bryce Willard Smithe @brycewillardsmithe
Pablo Hernandez @the1pablohernandez
Nebraska Thunderfuck @nebraskathunderfuck
Big Dipper @bigdipperjelly
Alex @novakkk
Joey Diamond @jdiamondisme
Faith Killz @riseoffaith
Daniel Hernandez @thedanhernandez
Nik Fros @nik_fros
Dexter Mayfield @dexrated
Rhea Litré @rhealitre
Alex Jolicoeur @alxjlcr
Sergio Armas @sirarmas
Maor Luz @maorluz
Pandora Boxx @pandoraboxx
Joel Kim Booster @ihatejoelkim
Wilson Cruz @wcruz73
Daniel Galoz @daniel_galoz
Love Bailey @loveisbailey
Jonathan Luke @jonathanlukw
Carlos Brandt @carlosbrandt
Michael Henry @michaelhenry915
Walker @walker2lit
Jose Andres @templodeafrodita
Bruno Alcantara @brunoCalcantara
Chris Salvatore @chrissalvatore
Freckle @freckle
Trevor Lapaglia @ohhhtrev
Joseandres Pérez