Tonight's queer artist feature is @guyjameswhitworth

Sydney artist channels the overwhelming events of last nine month’s in spectacular new art exhibition “Enough Of Your Nonsense” at The M2 Gallery.
July 2020; Not many artists are brave enough to bare their vulnerability as openly as Guy James Whitworth. His new exhibition “Enough Of Your Nonsense” promises both ‘daring visuals and inspiring social commentary’ as the artist studies the dramatic events of the past nine months.
In the art world, Guy James Whitworth is the rarest of creatures. He is an artist that those in the know, know (and love). He has won awards, books have been published, documentaries have been made about his work and his exhibitions are a sea of red dots. However he still flies under the radar of most mainstream art watchers as he operates on the intersectionality of lots of art scenes.

Often dismissed as a ‘LGBTQ artist’ his new exhibition “Enough Of Your Nonsense” promises to be the show that changes his profile and draws him into the spotlight of the mainstream. And while intersectionality is a bit of a buzz word at the moment, there is no more an appropriate word when referring to Whitworth, who has a unique and provocative view on modern Australian culture and current world events.

“I believe all of the events over the last nine months are connected,” says the artist, “from the catastrophic bushfires, a direct effect of climate warming and agricultural mismanagement to the Black Lives Matter Movement, all oppression is linked and what we are seeing is a disconnect on the world around us. Whilst art cannot fix these problems alone, it can raise awareness of cognitive dissonance and coax us out of our denial.”
Obviously, anyone can hold a paint brush, but it takes a true artist to wield that brush as a weapon for social change and using their profile as a platform to help those more disadvantaged than themselves. Whitworth is such an artist, with every one of his past exhibitions championing a social cause, whether it is advocating for animal rights, heightening visibility of the LGBTQI community, questioning masculinity or making a social comment about personal freedom.
“Enough Of Your Nonsense” is the thought process of an artist who has a lot to say and the nerve to say it. No matter what the subject matter, Whitworth’s exhibitions are a guaranteed explosion of energy, social rebellion and passion.

About Guy James Whitworth: Guy James Whitworth is a Sydney based visual artist and activist. He grew up in the working class North East of England, moving to Sydney over 20 years ago. A few documentaries have been made about his work, the latest of which “A Queer Aesthetic” has shown at film festivals around the world. He has won various awards including the prestigious Amnesty Portrait Award and has been finalist in many more of Australia’s art prizes. His autobiography “Signs of a struggle” was released last year. Guy is co-founder of the annual No Meat May campaign along with his life-partner Ryan Alexander and they reside in Sydney’s Surry Hills
“Enough Of Your Nonsense” opens from the 2nd of September til the 8th of September, midday til 8pm daily at The M2 Gallery, 4/450 Elizabeth Street, Sydney 2010.
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