Middle Part is back with "Heartbeat", an upbeat indie pop affair soundtracked with sparkly synths, vintage drum machines and driving basslines.

Middle Part confides on the release, "It’s supposed to paint a picture of me watching myself fall apart. The song is centered around that chaotic feeling somebody in their 20’s can feel when they’re learning to navigate life or what “the point of it all ” is." The video was created by illustrator Sally Meyers and captured the escapist daydream of the music with nostalgic Matrix-like alternative realities that were fun but also gross looking. I wanted somebody else to interpret the song visually while maintaining this nostalgic feeling that I obviously love so much. Since the song is about my affinity for dissociating, I thought it would be fitting to view it that way aesthetically. I like how she took some of the lyrics very literally and brought what we wrote to life. Although it was her vision, there were so many moments in the video that I could relate to and get lost in which I find so fascinating because after burning this song into my ears over the last few months she really brought a new life to it. I really just escape into this animation when I watch it. Sally's talented, and I think she's wonderful."

Middle Part
The Art of Being Queer